Beyond Warrior, lies Creator

Move beyond collective healing work, into creative collective work

In Inner Warrior, you chose your Higher Self. In Ascension, you've fought for your soul and won, freeing her from the paradigm. To now truly tap all the power of the Divine Feminine without limits, you must go to the source of Creation herself. With unique initiations and highly expansive circuit-building journeys, this program will stretch and expand your energy beyond what you ever conceived possible.
5 star rating

Purity of the Feminine soul

Matayla St.Jean

Creator was the most incredible experience I've ever had in my life. The energy you connect to in this program is so very obviously at the core of the feminine soul yet from within the old paradigm it's impossible to know just how severed you are ...

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Creator was the most incredible experience I've ever had in my life. The energy you connect to in this program is so very obviously at the core of the feminine soul yet from within the old paradigm it's impossible to know just how severed you are from this Source energy. The Goddesses you meet and journey with in this program carry so much that fuels your expansion and opening throughout the entire process. The way I felt in Creator is a feeling I will always remember. There is so much purity to the way this energy is delivered to you and if you are open to it, the way you can receive it. It is a homecoming on the most profound possible level of your feminine being.

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What is Creator?

The activations and tools in this program are designed to assist a Sister - now fully in charge of her soul - to introduce new patterns of life into the Earth, thereby evolving our relationship with life formation and the elementals who create nature and sustain it.

  • You will enter the Crystalline kingdom, opening new levels of access within the Temple

  • You will receive a series of unique Feminine Creator initiations

  • You will merge with the Elemental Kingdom and its multiple realms

  • You will build individual working relationships with the Devas

  • You will receive the energetic tools to access and move the energy from behind Creation

  • You will officially transition all of your energy into the Paradigm of Creation

  • You will learn how to build and expand alchemical energy circuits across the realms and dimensions

  • You will work alongside Gaia as one of her own

  • You will initiate and learn how to leverage your Multidimensional Heart and Self

  • You will show the masculine the true source of feminine power

What does Creator involve?

Begin stage two of Journey of the female soul

  • 3 field-activated Initiations

    Creator Feminine Force/ Crystalline Goddess Initiation; Freyja's Elemental Kingdom Initiation and Tiamat's Reflector. Three powerful, field-activated initiations recorded by Lucinda.

  • 22 energetically-guided audio recordings

    As with Inner Warrior and Ascension, you will be able to move through the program with energetically-guided audio journeys according to your own timetable and at your own pace.

  • 33 pages of original written material + an appendix on the forces of existence

    Woven within the written material accompanying the Creator program is an alchemy and energy that plays an important role in unfolding of the Creator experience.

  • Online Community Support

    Online integration support + Q and A's through a rolling Creator Slack channel, to which all Creator students past and present are admitted.

journey of the female soul

ascension + creator + queen


Save $250 when making one payment of $4750, or split the payments into 4 x $1250

Who guides this work?

Lucinda H Gray

Creator & Guide

Lucinda Homa Gray is a teacher, healer & visionary with 24 years' experience in the field of energy medicine, personal transformation, alchemical soul work, and field-building for collective healing and change. She was a teaching Reiki Master, Theta Healing teacher and Family Constellations facilitator before she started downloading & teaching Alchemy of Women in 2017. Since then she has also downloaded a Men's Program called Multidimensional Heart. Before dedicating herself to teaching and healing at 28, she worked in London as a researcher in think tanks and a freelance journalist, reporting from countries such as Iran and Iraq. She holds a First Class BA in English and French, an MA in European Social Theory both from the University of London, and a Postgraduate Certificate in International Geopolitics from Sciences Po Lyon, France. She is fluent in English, French, Farsi and understands German.

Hear Creator students' feedback

“Creator exceeded expectations beyond anything I could possibly imagine, no possible way to know what one is in for. Out of this world, literally. Ascension felt like digging through the muck, clearing out all the cobwebs and shadows from the corners, shaking out all the curtains and doing a really deep spring cleaning on the inside. Creator was vastly different from Ascension, in using the same metaphor it was like walking out of the deeply cleaned house and creating a beautiful and luscious garden around the entire house simply by pointing or thinking things into being. My most potent moment was when I went so far out beyond Earth on the grids that my breath stopped momentarily.  Now I know all the wild and “crazy” stuff out there is pretty much all real. Creator expanded my reality to anchor in that this life is but one dimension of experience. It has shifted my experience if this dimension into a much more awe inspiring, soul bursting experience. I see and give my full attention to the smallest details now... how a rose petal feels between my fingers, the shifting light on a leaf, the art that nature creates. ”


“Creator is the bridge to the new world. It surpassed any expectations I was capable of at the time as it opened my eyes and spirit to an overview of myself and life.  Both the game and the rules changed.  It was comparably life changing to Ascension. Ascension helped to pave a path to the 26th, shone light on everything blocking flow of energy and offered a practice to plug into  source.  Creator showed me all the fragmented parts discovered through ascension were all parts of my Multidimensional self that when fed the light of source , came to life and are my medicine to offer back to creation.  ”


“Just before the Creator program I was feeling as I was sitting inside of a space that I could not see the whole picture. I was starting to understand where I was in life and my purpose, but couldn’t quite grasp the whole concept.  This program went beyond my expectations! Lucinda is brilliant and was able to encompass a unique perspective and bring light and power into my life. For that I am truly thankful.  After Ascension, I felt like Creator was a wonderful next step in the unfolding ones true potential. A magnificent flower to bloom. My most potent experience was the birth of the multi dimensional self. This access was powerful and I am able to shift my awareness and take weight from my busy life as I send my energy to multiple spaces and times at once.  Creator has completely shifted my awareness and increased my frequency to align with my higher self. This was not possible before this program and I am still watching as it unfolds daily in my life.    ”


“This is a course that will explode your life, and it won't hurt. Surrender to the power of knowing your true self. ”


“The elegance with which Lucinda ushers this work into reality is exquisite. You will never be the same. There are certain courses out there that meet you where you’re at, that resonate. Rarely is there a course that takes you beyond all of that “mind stuff”, and yet fulfills you at the deepest layers of your being. This is one such course. By rekindling your connection with the divine feminine, your birthright, it is a journey like no other, without ever needing to physically leave the comfort of your own home. Trust your instincts. She won’t let you down.”


“To be invited behind the doors of Creation is beyond words. This program took my soul on a magnificent journey of expansion as far as humanly possible. I am reborn from crown to earth and my cells are infused with Feminine Creator source. My wings stretched far into infinity, I am now merged into the power and flavor of the Creation paradigm. It is happening and I am part of its creation process!”


Your undertaking

    1. A message from Lucinda

    2. Introduction

    3. How will Creator be taught?

    4. Before we begin...

    1. Journey: The Crystalline Kingdom via Tiamat's egg

    2. Journey: The Crystalline Kingdom through the Temple's Pink Cave

    3. Inner Oath: Commitment to generational change

    4. Initiation & Transformation: Creator Source of Divine Feminine (138th - 183rd) & Crystalline Goddess

    5. Practice: Experiencing the 26th via the Elemental Kingdom

    6. Initiation: Freyja’s Elemental Kingdom

    7. Journey: Working with the Devas

    8. Module One feedback

    1. Activation: Merging with Tiamat

    2. Self-initation: Restitution of Power

    3. Transmission + Tool: Tiamat's Reflector

    4. Integrating Crone wisdom via the Personal High Heart

    5. Paradigm transition ceremony

    6. Activation: Becoming a Pylon

    7. Module One [Part Two] Feedback

    1. [Recap] Journey: Practicing Detachment (the final Ascension journey)

    2. Alchemical Circuit: Nephthys's Light

    3. Alchemical Circuit: Switching perspectives in the Temple

    4. An Alchemical Altar of the Elements

    5. Alchemical Circuit: Flower of Life Grid Building

    6. Initiation: Integrating the Elements through the Tree of Life

    7. Initiation + Tool: The golden-spiked ball in the heart

    8. Activation: Expansion of the Universal Heart

    9. Initiation + Tool: Freyja's Golden Rope

    10. Module Two Feedback

    1. Initiation: The Multidimensional Self

    2. Practice & Tool: Birthing our girls into the New Paradigm

    3. Practice: Merging with Feminine Creator Source

    4. Journey: Bringing the Balance

    5. Journey: Witnessing upgrading the Elementals

    6. Appendix: Organising the Forces of Existence

    7. Module Three Feedback

    1. Congratulations Creator!

    2. Creator Program Feedback

    3. A sneak peek of Queen: A Letter from Lucinda

About this course

  • $1,599.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Questions you might have

  • What's special about the Creator program?

    Creator is my favorite program to teach because it is so beyond, just beyond anything... Any energy, any technology, any tools you could ever imagine or come across in any other work or modality. As one Creator student remarked 'It's literally out of this world'. It is the furthest-most point of the AoW planet's orbit, so to speak, and is shorter than the others precisely because it packs such a big energetic punch.

  • Am I a candidate for Creator?

    If you have successfully completed both Inner Warrior and Ascension, and have had a post-Ascension integration period of at least six weeks, you are a candidate for Creator.

  • Is Creator a challenging program?

    All of the AoW programs are challenging, at every level, and Creator is no exception. Creator will stretch your mind, spin and expand your cells, and take you on alchemical journeys and into new realms from an entirely novel energetic vantage point. Why? Because that is what is required right now for you to become a part of paradigm change.

  • Do I need to complete the entire program?

    You will pace yourself, so you can take your time to ensure you stabilise your energy after each new piece of work. With the Creator energy, you may experience some nausea and dizziness at first, as your cells adapt, but I would urge you to continue as it will all integrate by the end.

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